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时间:2012-06-21 01:33来源:原创软文资料 作者:tt2sf 点击:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 天堂2私服服务端Custom 自订资料表 (True = 开启,False = 关闭) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Birthday Event Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Gift sent with Mail System
# Default: 22187
AltBirthdayGift = 22187

# Mail Subject
AltBirthdayMailSubject = Happy Birthday!

# Mail Content
# $c1: Player name
# $s1: Age
AltBirthdayMailText = Hello Adventurer!! Seeing as you're one year older now, I thought I would send you some birthday cheer :) Please find your birthday pack attached. May these gifts bring you joy and happiness on this very special day.\n\nSincerely, Alegria

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 天堂2私服服务端Custom 自订资料表 (True = 开启,False = 关闭)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 启用「custom_spawnlist」的自订 NPC 位置
CustomSpawnlistTable = True

# 线上召唤「怪物」後,资料储存至「custom_spawnlist」
# 预设: False
SaveGmSpawnOnCustom = True

# 线上删除「怪物」後,资料储存至「custom_notspawned」
# 预设: False
DeleteGmSpawnOnCustom = True

# 启用「custom_npc」的自订 NPC
CustomNpcTable = True

# 启用「custom_npc」的自订技能
CustomNpcSkillsTable = True

# 启用「custom_armorsets」的自订套装
CustomArmorSetsTable = True

# 启用「custom_teleport」的自订传送
CustomTeleportTable = True

# 启用「custom_droplist」的自订掉落
CustomDroplistTable = True

# 启用「custom_merchant_buylists」、「custom_merchant_shopids」的自订商店
CustomMerchantTables = True

# 启用「custom_npc」的免费辅助技能
CustomNpcBufferTables = True

# Default: False
CustomSkillsLoad = False

# Default: False
CustomItemsLoad = False

# Default: False
CustomMultisellLoad = False

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Developer Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not touch these if you do not know what you are doing.
# These settings are for debugging servers ONLY. They are not meant for LIVE servers.

# Default: False
Debug = False

# Packet handler debug output
# Default: False
PacketHandlerDebug = False

# Default: False
Developer = False

# Default: False
AcceptGeoeditorConn = False

# Don't load Handlers
# Default: False
AltDevNoHandlers = False

# Don't load quests.
# Default: False
AltDevNoQuests = False

# Don't load spawntable.
# Default: False
AltDevNoSpawns = False

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Handy's Block Checker Event Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable the event ?
# Default: True
EnableBlockCheckerEvent = True

# Minimun number of members on each team before
# be able to start the event
# Min: 1
# Max: 6
# Retail: 2
BlockCheckerMinTeamMembers = 2

# Fair play
# Players can choose what team to play. However, by
# enabling this property to true, the teams will be
# balanced in the teleport to the arena
HBCEFairPlay = True

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