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时间:2012-06-14 00:54来源:原创软文资料 作者:tt2sf 点击:
# 天堂2私服地图分区系统: 地图分区系统可即时开启或关闭,但是这也会影响到正在读取或进行的任务和 Geodata。

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Optimization
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 地上物品管理
# 允许天堂2玩家丢弃物品在地上
# 预设: True
AllowDiscardItem = True

# 怪物掉落的物品,几秒後会消失。设定 0 表示不会消失
# 预设: 600
AutoDestroyDroppedItemAfter = 600

# 怪物掉落的药草,几秒後会消失
# 预设: 60
AutoDestroyHerbTime = 60

# 以下列出的物品,将不会消失
# 注意:
# 不同的物品以「,」作间隔,而且不能有空白
# 例如: 57,5575,6673
# 预设: 0
ListOfProtectedItems = 0

# Cleans up the server database on startup.
# The bigger the database is, the longer it will take to clean up the database(the slower the server will start).
# Sometimes this ends up with 0 elements cleaned up, and a lot of wasted time on the server startup.
# If you want a faster server startup, set this to 'false', but its recommended to clean up the database from time to time.
# Default: True
DatabaseCleanUp = True

# The time before a database connection closes (in miliseconds)
# If a query takes longer to execute than the time defined here, the server will throw "Unclosed Connection!" error.
# If you get often this error message, try increasing this.
# Default: 60000ms
ConnectionCloseTime = 60000

# 定时储存天堂私服玩家资讯,例如: 玩家位置 (以分钟为单位)
# 设定数值越大,更新周期越慢,储存到资料库的资讯越少,占用硬碟空间越小
# 设定数值越小,更新周期越快,储存到资料库的资讯越多,占用硬碟空间越大
# 设定 0 表示不定时储存
# 只有在天堂2玩家离开游戏时,才进行储存
# 预设: 15
CharacterDataStoreInterval = 15

# 只有在储存玩家资讯时,才会同时储存物品资料
# 此设定将大幅减少资料库的使用,并且提高伺服器效能
# 警告: 如果伺服器当机,此设定可能因为部分玩家尚未储存资讯,导致物品遗失
# 预设: False
LazyItemsUpdate = False

# 当天堂2玩家取得物品时,立即储存玩家的物品资料 (需设定 LazyItemsUpdate = True)
# 预设: False
UpdateItemsOnCharStore = False

# 删除丢弃在地上的物品 (除了装备物品)
# 注意:
# 需设定 AutoDestroyDroppedItemAfter 大於 0
# 预设: False
DestroyPlayerDroppedItem = False

# 删除丢弃在地上的装备物品 (防具, 武器, 饰品)
# 注意:
# 需设定 DestroyPlayerDroppedItem = True
# 预设: False
DestroyEquipableItem = False

# 伺服器重开後,恢复重开前掉落在地上的物品
# 预设: False
SaveDroppedItem = False

# 如果在储存掉落物品资讯前,伺服器发生当机
# 重开後物品恢复未掉落的状态,但有可能当机前就被另一位玩家捡起。此设定用於防止物品重复
# 预设: False
EmptyDroppedItemTableAfterLoad = False

# 定期储存掉落在地上的物品资讯 (以秒为单位)
# 注意:
# 设定 0 表示不定时储存,只有在伺服器关闭时,才进行储存
# 预设: 60
SaveDroppedItemInterval = 60

# 重新启动伺服器後,删除之前储存的掉落物品资讯
# 注意:
# 需设定 SaveDroppedItem = False
# 预设: False
ClearDroppedItemTable = False

# 删除玩家无效的任务
# 预设: False
AutoDeleteInvalidQuestData = False

# 设定 False 可以增强高倍率伺服器的性能
# 预设: True
PreciseDropCalculation = True

# 允许同时制作多件不可重叠的物品
# 预设: True
MultipleItemDrop = True

# 物品有改变时,强制传送所有物品栏的封包
# 注意:
# 此设定会增加网络负荷
# 预设: False
ForceInventoryUpdate = False

# True = 只有遇到需要的 html,才读取需要的 html 放入快取
# False = 启动伺服器时,读取所有的 html 放入快取
# 预设: True
LazyCache = True

# Cache all character names in to memory on server startup
# False - names are loaded from Db when they are requested
# True - decrease Db usage , increase memory consumption
# Default: True
CacheCharNames = True

# NPC动作改变的最短/最长时间 (以秒为单位)
# 需注意 MinNPCAnimation 小於或等於 MaxNPCAnimation
# 预设: 10
MinNPCAnimation = 10

# 预设: 20
MaxNPCAnimation = 20

# 预设: 5
MinMonsterAnimation = 5

# 预设: 20
MaxMonsterAnimation = 20

# Knownlist (the list of things a character sees) update method. Default is currently time based updating, which also makes it possible to use config options for guards to see moving monsters. Alternatively move based update can be used but guards cannot track mobs with that option but otherwise it should work well.
# Default: False
MoveBasedKnownlist = False

# Interval (in miliseconds) in which the knownlist does full updates.
# For move based updates its used for intermediate updates.
# Useful interval is between 300 - 2000. Too small value may kill your CPU, too high value may not update knownlists properly. The default value is chosen experimentally.
# Default: 1250
KnownListUpdateInterval = 1250

# 天堂2私服地图分区系统: 地图分区系统可即时开启或关闭,但是这也会影响到正在读取或进行的任务和 Geodata。
# False 的即时开启 - 当玩家进入目前区域地图时,系统会立即开启。相连接的 8 个区域地图也会在设定时间内执行
# False 的即时关闭 - 当没有玩家在目前区域地图时,系统会立即关闭。如果相连接的 8 个区域地图也没有玩家,也会在设定时间内关闭
# 如果设定 GridsAlwaysOn = True (总是开启),所有区域地图皆会执行地图分区系统
# 预设: False (以秒为单位)
GridsAlwaysOn = False

# Default: 1
GridNeighborTurnOnTime = 1

# Default: 90
GridNeighborTurnOffTime = 90



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